Promise of Hope is a twelve-month program, with evaluation for 3/4 way services.
We have carefully planned the schedule so the needs of the residents are met in a manner that will allow them to be bridged back into society. We provide an environment where these sisters and brothers, daughters and sons, wives and husbands, and mothers and fathers can begin to feel worthy and loved again. Teaching them how to allow Jesus to be the ultimate authority in their lives.
The foundation of the system is based on developing a personal relationship with Jesus. The education of addiction and recovery is broken down into a three-phase process. We are also a work program, this helps to offset program costs.
The philosophy of TOTAL RECOVERY
Total recovery is a wheel whose hub is a personal relationship with God through Christ which produces sobriety. Many residents come directly from inpatient care while others come directly from home. To participate in our program persons must be willing to begin a new recovery lifestyle and maintain abstinence from all mood-altering chemicals. This decision to stop the use is the first major decision that must be made. Throughout the program, this commitment must continually be made one day at a time. Our program requires abstinence of drug and alcohol use and a parallel termination of all non-drug compulsive behaviors.

Partners on the pathway to recovery.
The first spoke of this wheel is SUPPORT MEETINGS. Through reaching out to others, sharing common experiences, strength and hope, support meetings, both volunteer and professional, become partners in the pathway to recovery.
The most successful movement in history for bringing about recovery is Alcoholics Anonymous. AA has offered wisdom, simple power to change lives and great compassion for the alcoholic. Promise of Hope includes two volunteer led support meetings on location and we require a minimum of five AAlNA meetings weekly for participants in the recovery programs.
Information about the 12-Step program, Alcoholics Anonymous and completion of step assignments are integral to our chemical dependency program. Women and Men are expected to obtain a sponsor and complete steps one through three in detail during their stay with us.
Healing through families
The second spoke of TOTAL RECOVERY is STABILIZATION WITH SIGNIFICANT OTHERS. Through guidance and Life Skills meetings we provide weekly opportunities for growth and support of family members who have hurts and brokenness as a result of addiction.
The core curriculum focuses on issues such as family systems of dysfunctional families, shame, guilt, co-dependency and communication problems. Sessions with families and couples are available.
Promise of Hope recognizes that addiction is spread in families and that genuine healing occurs through families as well. Restoration of these broken relationships does not always occur, much to our dismay. However we work to support our residents in the task of finding their family of choice. Often this becomes the recovery residence friends, Spiritual Life Meeting friends, or church friends.

Regular employment and relaxation
The third spoke is STABLE SOCIAL AND VOCATIONAL PARTICIPATION. Regular employment aids recovery. Promise of Hope is well aware of how society has made work a prime source of self-valuation and esteem.
We teach a new set of work values instead of just valuing work. When people learn to get up, clean up, and show up, they begin to feel better about themselves and they build positive self-esteem on top of sober days.
Stability replaces chaos. Competence replaces excuse making. Growth replaces deterioration. Joy replaces self-contempt. Hope rises. How is your work record? In addition, leisure activities and fun must be re-learned for the recovering person. Special times set aside for relaxation is a part of the therapeutic environment.
Responsible Care
The fourth spoke of TOTAL RECOVERY is SPIRITUALITY. The meaning of Recovery is a new lifestyle that results from radical personal choice to live sober and sane. This new change happens from surrender of the old self and acceptance of new attitudes and new relationships with self, others and God through Jesus Christ.
This change is the fruit that grows in the garden of our lives. Spirituality is tending to the garden. We teach about the restructuring of our daily schedule to include prayer, meditation, and community.
In the traditional story of the followers of Jesus we are told that His words were, "But who do you say that I am?" Promise of Hope asks that question in the light of AA spirituality. Who is God as YOU understand Him today? Addiction creates a dark hold that only spirituality can fill.